We finally drove up to the house. I felt so proud. I knew inside was your big brother and Nana. I was SO proud to have you home Gillian! I was hoping by me taking my time getting out of the car (I had to because I had a c-section), some of the neighbors could take a look that their neighbors who just had their baby. Maybe they would feel the happiness that daddy and I did in that very moment.
I got you inside, put you into the bassinet that took daddy over 2 days to put together (you can ask him about the bassinet one day, he put it together backwards). You were warm, sleeping and comfortably resting. I sipped on chicken broth, I kindly "took" about 50 packets from the gallery that they have in the maternity ward. I loved my chicken broth.
So, there you go, my love. A one year reminder of daddy and I taking you home.
I love you sweet girl.
Love always,
P.S. It's December 22nd, 2009, 1:00 p.m. (your watching cartoons from you crib)