Triston has been sick since last Thursday, thankfully he is all better thanks to a little medicine and lots of TLC. It makes me so sad when I look at him with rosy red cheeks and to listen to his raspy voice asking for something to drink. Taking care of him is such a privilege. I remember when I was a little girl, I cherished the times when my mom would wait on me, bring me something warm to drink, rub my chest with Vicks and pat down my hair while I fell asleep. I felt so loved. I can see his demeanor change when I lay next to him and do all the sweet things moms should do when their child falls ill. I love when he lays his head on my chest, I feel so blessed to be a mom. I don't turn him down when he needs me. If he wants me to play a game with him, though he cheats and breaks all the rules, I can't help to feel so honored that I am "cool" enough to hang with him, even though for just a mere few minutes. I can't explain this love, no mom can explain this love, there are no words to describe it. I feel life cannot be complete without a child and I feel sad for those who choose not to have one or who can't due to infertility. Times flies, I know, I'm already 32. I look at my son and realize one important rule in life, one we should all follow: Simplicity is in the eyes of a child. As adults, have we lost that when we look at life through our own eyes?
I love you Bubba. You're going to be an amazing brother.
(video) Here is my sweet boy, a year ago.